・まずはThe Groveでショッピングですね。基本です。
Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn Kids, Baby Gap and the American Girl doll storeなど回ったみたい。
ワンピース:Red Courduroy Jumper with White Turtleneck Set by Ralph Lauren .
"Last year was SURI's first Christmas," she tells the magazine. "It was so spectacular to share the holidays with her. It really meant the world to me. To be able to create a tradition for your children is one of the best gifts you can have."
私にとっては本当にそれが世界なの よ。あなたも子供たちと伝統を作っていくことは、あなたが経験できる何よりも素晴らしいプレゼントになるわ。
This year, both she and Tom's family will travel to Telluride, Colorado again for a big get together. "We have big dinners and laugh," she says. "We love cooking. My mom's stuffing is my favorite. I'm a huge fan of pie, especially pecan. I will probably cook some garlic mashed potatoes and maybe a cheesecake. We always make a lot of sugar cookies with decorating and sprinkles. Suri will be in the dough everywhere. Tom has shown me the greatness of extra chocolate chips. Tom's really good in the kitchen. He makes great pasta carbonara and lemon pasta."
今年は、Suriとトムの家族がコロラドに旅行するとのこと。私たちは盛大なディナーをしていっぱい笑うわ。私は料理が大好きなの、ママが作る 料理は私の大好物だし。私は、特にピーカンのパイが大好き。多分、ガーリックマッシュポテトとチーズケーキを作ると思うわ。私たちはいつもたくさんのシュガークッキーを作ってデコレートするのよ。Suriはあちこちでパン生地まみれになってるわ。トムはエクストラチョコチップを見せてくれるわ。トムも本当によく手伝ってくれる。彼の作る、カルボナーラとレモンパスタは最高ね。
With both of their careers taking them around the world and back, Katie says she and Tom always try to bring Suri, because "We don't like to be away from her. She's very aware. We take her to the park in each city and walk around. This summer, when Tom was working in Germany, she'd wake up and say, 'Hello, Berlin.'"
Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn Kids, Baby Gap and the American Girl doll storeなど回ったみたい。
ワンピース:Red Courduroy Jumper with White Turtleneck Set by Ralph Lauren .
"Last year was SURI's first Christmas," she tells the magazine. "It was so spectacular to share the holidays with her. It really meant the world to me. To be able to create a tradition for your children is one of the best gifts you can have."
私にとっては本当にそれが世界なの よ。あなたも子供たちと伝統を作っていくことは、あなたが経験できる何よりも素晴らしいプレゼントになるわ。
This year, both she and Tom's family will travel to Telluride, Colorado again for a big get together. "We have big dinners and laugh," she says. "We love cooking. My mom's stuffing is my favorite. I'm a huge fan of pie, especially pecan. I will probably cook some garlic mashed potatoes and maybe a cheesecake. We always make a lot of sugar cookies with decorating and sprinkles. Suri will be in the dough everywhere. Tom has shown me the greatness of extra chocolate chips. Tom's really good in the kitchen. He makes great pasta carbonara and lemon pasta."
今年は、Suriとトムの家族がコロラドに旅行するとのこと。私たちは盛大なディナーをしていっぱい笑うわ。私は料理が大好きなの、ママが作る 料理は私の大好物だし。私は、特にピーカンのパイが大好き。多分、ガーリックマッシュポテトとチーズケーキを作ると思うわ。私たちはいつもたくさんのシュガークッキーを作ってデコレートするのよ。Suriはあちこちでパン生地まみれになってるわ。トムはエクストラチョコチップを見せてくれるわ。トムも本当によく手伝ってくれる。彼の作る、カルボナーラとレモンパスタは最高ね。
With both of their careers taking them around the world and back, Katie says she and Tom always try to bring Suri, because "We don't like to be away from her. She's very aware. We take her to the park in each city and walk around. This summer, when Tom was working in Germany, she'd wake up and say, 'Hello, Berlin.'"