
Katie Holmes isn't listening to criticism from Tim Gunn about dressing up her daughter, Suri. Holmes was spotted shopping at Alice + Olivia's Bryant Park store on Thursday and picked up two pretty dresses for her daughter. A spy told us: "Katie picked up a little tennis dress and another lavender ruf fled number. She spent around $600." Holmes then went on to the Calvin Klein show and dinner later that night. "Project Runway" style guru Gunn, who seems to be on a one-man mission against celebrity fash ion, said this week: "Suri is her mother and father's dress-up doll."(NYpost)
ケイティはトムちんからの忠告も聞かず、懲りずにまたドレスを買ったと。"A Spy"は「ケイティは600ドル使って、テニスドレスとフレアワンピを購入したよ」だそーです。Spyって誰?ソースどこ?って感じですけど。


最近、Tim Gunnっていうアメリカのピーコみたいなファッソンコンサルタント(?)のおじさまに、めためたに言われてます。
 Suri is, she’s her mother and father’s dress up doll and I feel in many ways she’s a fashion victim and it’s just very inappropriate. I think it’s unsafe too. She’s a little kid and [she’s] tottering around on these stilettos or quasi stilettos. It’s really inappropriate and I feel bad for her in a manner of speaking.”

